- The ideas and thoughts expressed in Pixovation Blogs are by and large vital but they come
un-pressed, spontaneous, un-proofed, unrevised and corrected only if an avid reader like YOU points the mistakes that grossly alter the intent. - The opinions expressed in this weblog do not reflect the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of our clients or employer. It is solely our opinion that comes with no warranties, and gives no rights.
- Feel free to challenge any post, disagree with us, or tell us that we are completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry but we reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, disrespectful, impolite or anonymous comments) – so keep it polite, please.
- If you have any copyright related issues with any of the contents in this blog please drop a comment. Your concerns will be addressed with at the earliest and with due respect.
- Names, Logos and other proprietary information quoted in this blog are property of respective companies and are mentioned here for reference purpose only.
In summary, if the team @Pixovation err or write something stupid, read it with open mind, bring it to our notice and just chill. We shall press & publish with required changes.
Team Pixovation!
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