Saturday, December 31, 2011

Compose a golden diary of life

"Those who wake up each morning with work to accomplish and a mission to fulfill are the happiest people of all. SGI members are like this. For us each day is one of supreme purpose and satisfaction. For us each day is New Year's Day. Please exert yourselves vigorously with the determination to live each day to the fullest, so that you may compose a golden diary of life." - Daisaku Ikeda
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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Big Data Analytic Analogy


A century ago if you wanted to be wealthy, you'd mine for natural resources from out of the soil, build a factory, build things and then sell them. If you took that same model and applied it to the current digital era, then you mine your data for information, the datacenter is your factory, the data scientists are your workers, and you sell the information to your customers—internal and/or external—and leveraging the intelligence towards operational and financial gains.

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